This Fossil is a real miracle - Food Grade organic Diatomaceous Earth (DE) ingested is probably natures most potent all round cleaning & healing element available to humans.
It's dirt but a special kind of dirt, it is the fossilized remains of microscopic one-celled plants (phytoplankton) called diatoms. Magnified 7000x, diatomaceous earth looks like spiney honeycombs.
These deposits are mined from underwater beds or from ancient dried lake bottoms thousands of years old. This means, diatomaceous earth has an unlimited shelf life provided you keep it dry. Filtering and filler are two main uses but diatomaceous earth also ends up in paints, cosmetics, drugs, chemical insecticides, etc. Because the milling produces different sized and shaped particles, it is important not to use the filtering type for agricultural purposes it's best to buy Food grade DE.
It can be used for aquarium and pool filtering; But that form isn't right for internal use.
We use it to worm and de-'bug' farm animals and pets, for chickens it can be sprinkled on the food and in their water for internal bugs and many other problems [germs, etc,] sprinkled on bedding to keep it dry and bug free, also it can be sprinkled directly on the animal for mites [the scourge of the barnyard] On goats it also works the same and it helps guard against joint pain [it has lots of magnesium in it-works for joint pain in dogs too]. The quickest, easiest, cheapest way to deal with fleas, ticks, termites, Japanese beetles, (and other yucky pests) is to spray DE on them [animals or plants]. I usually put it in a spray bottle and add water, [proportions? Oh maybe a couple of tablespoons to a quart of liquid, I add other stuff to my plant sprayer so it's hard to say exactly how much is in it.]
When it- the water/DE mixture- dries out; the tiny sharp particles of the DE will scrape the bodies of the bugs and eventually kills them by leaving scratches in their bodies and drying them out.
Diatomaceous Earth may be used as a barrier to control adult flea beetles, sawfly, coddling moth, twig borer, thrips, mites, cockroach, slugs, snails and many other insects such as:
Aphids, thrips, earwigs, silverfish, and ants. Can be used for bedbugs, cabbage root flies, carrot root flies, fleas, pillbugs, ticks and is helpful in dealing with fungus gnats. Indoor and Outdoor Application: Sprinkle a light layer of DE in areas where pests frequent, including under stoves, cabinets, sinks, garbage cans, window and door frames and sills,
entrance ways, sewer pipes and drains, and in cracks and crevices. Repeat treatment as needed.
Carpet Beetles: Thoroughly dust along baseboards, carpet edges, under furniture, carpet, and rugs, and in closets and shelving.
Bedbugs: Take apart bed and dust joints and channels. Dust any hollow tubing and the interior framework as well as the mattress and all cracks in the room.
Fleas: Thoroughly dust carpets and pet's bedding and sleeping areas, as well as cracks and baseboards. It also can be rubbed into your pet's fur.
Flies: Thoroughly dust areas where flies frequent (walls, straw bedding, livestock pens). It also can be applied to livestock coat as an insect repellent/contact insecticide.
Completely safe and nontoxic
Controls fleas and ticks-Stimulates basic metabolism-Converts feed better-Reduces odor and moisture in barns and stalls-Results in better coat and/or hoof condition
Keeps fly larvae from developing in manure, noticeably reducing the fly population
Cost effective-Reduces annual vet bills-Controls worms and internal parasites without chemicals-Reduces overall animal stress
It's completely safe to ingest-for anything larger than an insect. In fact their are many health benefits. Taken daily, it helps eliminate worms and parasites from the body and keeps the bowels clean.
Food grade DE is also known to sweep some bacteria out of the system. Most people who consume food grade DE take it on a daily basis, ourselves, employees, and children included.
DE contains 15 naturally occurring minerals that are excellent for the body including-calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorous. These minerals promote healthier, shinier hair, skin and nails. I take it every day in my fresh veggie juice, it helps to make healthy gums, teeth, hair and fingernails.
My gums have visibly tightened around my teeth, my husband's chronically loose teeth are tightened in his jaw. We bought 50#'s of this Food grade DE from our friends at Fossil Power.
****One word of slight warning, it's very drying to the skin, which is why it works so well especially on fungi, and is not recommended to get any in the lungs or especially ANY in the eyes!****
This Fossil is a real miracle - Food Grade organic Diatomaceous Earth (DE) ingested is probably natures most potent all round cleaning & healing element available to humans.
It's dirt but a special kind of dirt, it is the fossilized remains of microscopic one-celled plants (phytoplankton) called diatoms. Magnified 7000x, diatomaceous earth looks like spiney honeycombs.
These deposits are mined from underwater beds or from ancient dried lake bottoms thousands of years old. This means, diatomaceous earth has an unlimited shelf life provided you keep it dry. Filtering and filler are two main uses but diatomaceous earth also ends up in paints, cosmetics, drugs, chemical insecticides, etc. Because the milling produces different sized and shaped particles, it is important not to use the filtering type for agricultural purposes it's best to buy Food grade DE.
It can be used for aquarium and pool filtering; But that form isn't right for internal use.
We use it to worm and de-'bug' farm animals and pets, for chickens it can be sprinkled on the food and in their water for internal bugs and many other problems [germs, etc,] sprinkled on bedding to keep it dry and bug free, also it can be sprinkled directly on the animal for mites [the scourge of the barnyard] On goats it also works the same and it helps guard against joint pain [it has lots of magnesium in it-works for joint pain in dogs too]. The quickest, easiest, cheapest way to deal with fleas, ticks, termites, Japanese beetles, (and other yucky pests) is to spray DE on them [animals or plants]. I usually put it in a spray bottle and add water, [proportions? Oh maybe a couple of tablespoons to a quart of liquid, I add other stuff to my plant sprayer so it's hard to say exactly how much is in it.]
When it- the water/DE mixture- dries out; the tiny sharp particles of the DE will scrape the bodies of the bugs and eventually kills them by leaving scratches in their bodies and drying them out.
Diatomaceous Earth may be used as a barrier to control adult flea beetles, sawfly, coddling moth, twig borer, thrips, mites, cockroach, slugs, snails and many other insects such as:
Aphids, thrips, earwigs, silverfish, and ants. Can be used for bedbugs, cabbage root flies, carrot root flies, fleas, pillbugs, ticks and is helpful in dealing with fungus gnats. Indoor and Outdoor Application: Sprinkle a light layer of DE in areas where pests frequent, including under stoves, cabinets, sinks, garbage cans, window and door frames and sills,
entrance ways, sewer pipes and drains, and in cracks and crevices. Repeat treatment as needed.
Carpet Beetles: Thoroughly dust along baseboards, carpet edges, under furniture, carpet, and rugs, and in closets and shelving.
Bedbugs: Take apart bed and dust joints and channels. Dust any hollow tubing and the interior framework as well as the mattress and all cracks in the room.
Fleas: Thoroughly dust carpets and pet's bedding and sleeping areas, as well as cracks and baseboards. It also can be rubbed into your pet's fur.
Flies: Thoroughly dust areas where flies frequent (walls, straw bedding, livestock pens). It also can be applied to livestock coat as an insect repellent/contact insecticide.
Completely safe and nontoxic
Controls fleas and ticks-Stimulates basic metabolism-Converts feed better-Reduces odor and moisture in barns and stalls-Results in better coat and/or hoof condition
Keeps fly larvae from developing in manure, noticeably reducing the fly population
Cost effective-Reduces annual vet bills-Controls worms and internal parasites without chemicals-Reduces overall animal stress
It's completely safe to ingest-for anything larger than an insect. In fact their are many health benefits. Taken daily, it helps eliminate worms and parasites from the body and keeps the bowels clean.
Food grade DE is also known to sweep some bacteria out of the system. Most people who consume food grade DE take it on a daily basis, ourselves, employees, and children included.
DE contains 15 naturally occurring minerals that are excellent for the body including-calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorous. These minerals promote healthier, shinier hair, skin and nails. I take it every day in my fresh veggie juice, it helps to make healthy gums, teeth, hair and fingernails.
My gums have visibly tightened around my teeth, my husband's chronically loose teeth are tightened in his jaw. We bought 50#'s of this Food grade DE from our friends at Fossil Power.
****One word of slight warning, it's very drying to the skin, which is why it works so well especially on fungi, and is not recommended to get any in the lungs or especially ANY in the eyes!****